Trump: “A RACIST?” Really?

Trump Reportedly Didn’t Want to See Anything “Difficult” in Visit to African American History Museum

President Donald Trump is the kind of man who manages to make even a visit to a museum about African American history about him. 

Trump Reportedly Didn’t Want to See Anything “Difficult” in Visit to African American History Museum

Smithsonian Chief Calls Out Trump for Wanting to Close African American Museum on MLK Day; Saying He Didn’t Want to See Anything ‘Difficult’

AmeriKKKa’s favorite president had special requests for the National Museum of African American History and Culture on his first visit back in 2017.

For starters, Trump requested his visit to be on the nationally observed Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Sounds like a good idea right? Great for optics in some circles.

But dude wanted to have the premises shut down to the public during his personal tour.

And when Trump and his chain gang visited—including the formerly beloved surgeon turned bumbling presidential candidate and now HUD secretary Dr. Ben Carson, and former press secretary Sean Spicer—Bunch recalled that he was warned by White House aides that Trump “was in a foul mood and that he did not want to see anything ‘difficult.’” 

Perhaps they should’ve taken him to Disneyland. Or even Dollywood. 

Smithsonian Chief Calls Out Trump for Wanting to Close African American 

Museum on MLK Day; Saying He Didn’t Want to See Anything ‘Difficult’

Look!  IT IS A FACT that America had SLAVES.  It started in America about 400 years ago, and American slaves and their descendants were treated badly before, during and after The American Civil War was fought that ended slavery in America.  There is nothing anyone can do about those sad facts.  No amount of pretending or payments can wipe any of that away.  It happened.  Deal with it.  (I’ve written a lot about it.  See the link below, which links to other links.)


Not even Trump can undo American Slavery by pretending it did not happen.  IT HAPPENED!  Maybe Trump thinks that if he doesn’t see reminders of it, or think about it, it will just go away.  Maybe Trump believes he can “re-write history” like they did in that book and movie ‘1984’.  Except to Trump ‘1984’ was not a work of fiction, it was a documentary.

There is FACT and there is fiction.  There is TRUTH and there are LIES.  Trump seems to prefer FICTION and LIES to all else.

George Santayana:  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. … Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.”

Donald Trump does NOT want to see any reminders of the past, because:  Trump would like to repeat it, but claim that he INVENTED IT, and treat everyone like a slave, except for his own personal Amerikanski Oligarchs that is!  That is a FACT!

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